Magento1 was released in 2009 and was developed with the technologies and best practices of the time. The support of Magento1 was stopped in June 2020. Magento no longer provides security patches for Magento1. The PHP version is no longer up to date and you run the risk of performance problems, security problems, and the risk that your payment platform will one day let you down due to insufficient security.

Magento2 is built in a more modular way, and with technologies that make it easy to implement new features. For example, voice search for the hearing impaired, development of PWA applications, or speed, Magento2 is the new world reference. Magento2 is also richer in features, and since version 2.3 the Open Source version even uses Elastic Search to access the database faster (than MySQL). Elastic Search is therefore no longer reserved for the “Commerce” version (formerly called “Enterprise” version) of Magento. There are therefore many reasons (or even obligations…) to migrate to Magento2 from the 2nd half of 2020.

But what exactly does this migration consist of…?

Magento2 inherits all the good ideas from Magento1. If you know Magento1, you will not be completely lost in Magento2. However, from a technical point of view, the PHP version, the code organization, the modules, the design, etc. are all different in Magento2. The migration is therefore more than a superficial layer of colour.

A migration typically takes place in several stages as detailed below.

Preliminary work

  • Analysis of the modules installed on the Magento1 site, and the specific developments made. It often happens that the developments made under Magento1 are now covered by standard features of Magento2, or by extensions available on the market.


  • Installation of a blank Magento2 website
  • Installation and configuration of the necessary modules. The majority of agencies well established on the market that offered the modules under Magento1 have generally redeveloped them under Magento2.
  • Development or installation/customisation of the theme. No recovery of the Magento1 design is possible at this level.
  • Recovery of the Magento1 website database
  • Migration of data (items, images, orders, customers, users, transactions, basic configuration, etc) from the Magento1 database to my Magento2 database. Magento has developed a tool to facilitate this operation.
  • Incremental migration test to ensure that the data delta can be easily migrated just before the Magento2 site goes live
  • Possible specific developments
  • Test

Preparing to go into production

  • New backup of the Magento1 database
  • New incremental migration in order to transfer to Magento2 the new data (orders, customers, etc) that have been created since the initial migration
  • Validation

Going into production

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